Roy Thurik
Full Professeur en Entrepreneuriat (Montpellier Business School), Professeur émérite en Économie (Erasmus School of Economics, Rotterdam)

Montpellier Business School, 2300, Avenue des Moulins, 34185 Montpellier Cedex 4 – France
Email : r.thurik[a]
Bureau : JI2.122
- Research fellow, Erasmus Research Institute for Management
- Fellow, Tinbergen Institute
- Director, CASBEC (Centre for Advanced Small Business Economics)
- Academic director, ECE(Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship)
- Director, EURIBEB (Erasmus University Rotterdam Institute for Behavior and Biology)
- Research fellow, IDS (Institute for Development Strategies) School for Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
- Research fellow, IZA (Institute for the Study of Labor) Bonn Germany
- Chair, DARE (Dutch Academy of Research in Entrepreneurship)
Doctorat en sciences économiques, 1984, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Mes recherches portent sur le rôle des petites entreprises dans les marchés, le rôle des chefs d’entreprises dans les entreprises, l’organisation industrielle et la politique, la géno-économie, l’entrepreneuriat naissant, et les conséquences et causes de l’entrepreneuriat dans l’économie.
PRINCIPALES PUBLICATIONS en 2022 et 2021 (voir pour 2020 et antérieur)
2022 |
Wismans, Annelot, Peter van der Zwan, Karl Wennberg, Ingmar Franken, Jinia Mukerjee, Rui Baptista, Jorge Barrientos Marín, Andrew Burke, Marcus Dejardin, Frank Janssen, Srebrenka Letina, José María Millán, Enrico Santarelli, Olivier Torrès and Roy Thurik (2022), Face mask use during the COVID-19 pandemic: how risk perception, experience with COVID-19, and attitude towards government interact with country-wide policy stringency, BMC Public Health, 22, article number 1622. have-a-look, |
Belitski, M., Ch. Guenther, A.S. Kritikos and R. Thurik (2022), Economic Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Entrepreneurship and Small Businesses, Small Business Economics , 58, 593–609. have-a-look. |
Torrès, O., Ch. Fisch, A. Swalhi, J. Mukerjee, A. Benzari and R. Thurik (2022), Risk of burnout in French entrepreneurs and the covid-19 crisis, Small Business Economics, 58, 717–739. have-a-look, |
2021 |
Wismans, A., R. Thurik, R. Batista, M. Dejardin, F. Janssen and I. Franken (2021), Psychological characteristics and the mediating role of the 5C Model in explaining students’ COVID-19 vaccination intention, PlosOne, Aug 11;16(8):e0255382. have-a-look. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255382. |
Mills, M.C., F.C. Tropf, … , A.R. Thurik, … , N. Barban and F.R. Day (2021), Identification of 371 genetic variants for age at first sex and birth linked to externalising behaviour, Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 1717–1730. have-a-look. |
Fisch Ch., I.H.A. Franken and A.R. Thurik (2021), The role of behavioral and electrophysiological measures in entrepreneurship, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 16 (November), e00253. have-a-look. |
Torrès, O., Ch. Fisch, J. Mukerjee, F. Lasch and R. Thurik (2021), Health perception of French SME owners during the covid-19 pandemic, International Review of Entrepreneurship, 19(2), 151-168. have-a-look. |
Rietveld, C.A., E.A.W. Slob and A.R. Thurik (2021), A decade of research on the genetics of entrepreneurship: a review and a view ahead, Small Business Economics, 57, 1303–1317. have-a-look, |
Wismans, A., S. Letina, …. R. Thurik, …. I. Franken (2021), The role of impulsivity and delay discounting in student compliance with COVID-19 protective measures, Personality and Individual Differences, 110925, have-a-look. |
Janssen, F., M. Tremblay, J. St-Pierre, R. Thurik and A. Maalaoui (2021), L’entrepreneuriat et la PME à l’heure de la COVID-19 … et après!, Revue Internationale P.M.E., 34(2), 6-12. have-a-look. |
Torrès, O., A. Benzari, A. Swalhi and A.R. Thurik (2021), Confinement et risque de burnout des dirigeants-propriétaires de PME : le syndrome d’épuisement d’empêchement, Revue Internationale P.M.E., 34(2), 62-80. have-a-look. |
Wismans, A., K. Kamei, A.R. Thurik and O. Torrès (2021), The link between ADHD symptoms and entrepreneurial orientation in Japanese business owners, Management Review Quarterly, 71, 857-872. have-a-look, |
Leung, Y.K., I. Franken, A.R. Thurik, M. Driessen, K. Kamei, O. Torrès and I. Verheul (2021), Narcissism and entrepreneurship: Evidence from six datasets, Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 15 (June), e00216. have-a-look, |