Labex presents
Global entrepreneurship monitor
GEM in details
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) began in 1999 as a joint research project between Babson College (USA) and the London Business School (UK). Its objective is to produce studies on entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial ecosystems at the global level.
Today, GEM is a consortium of 60 national teams mainly associated with leading academic institutions. The team is the official national representative of the project. It is responsible for collecting GEM data in the country on an annual basis, producing a “national report” on its results and holds the role of contact point for GEM inquiries.
Since 2021, Labex Entreprendre has been carrying out this mission. By collaborating with GEM’s work:
- Researchers use a unique methodology to study entrepreneurship in their country.
- Legislators are able to make informed decisions to help entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ecosystems develop.
- Entrepreneurs have keys to better utilize their often-limited resources and engage their stakeholders.
- GEM sponsors can highlight their support for entrepreneurship.
- International organizations get quality information and can incorporate their own datasets or use GEM as a benchmark for their own analyses.
GEM’s Mission
GEM is the only global research source that collects data on entrepreneurship directly from individual entrepreneurs. The first GEM annual survey covered 10 countries; since then, some 115 countries from all corners of the globe have participated in GEM research.
As a result, the consortium has become the richest source of reliable information on the state of entrepreneurial mindsets and ecosystems around the world, publishing not only the GEM Global Report, but also a series of country and thematic reports each year.
GEM’s tools and data are therefore unique and benefit many stakeholder groups.
Indeed, entrepreneurship is a key driver of societal health and prosperity. It is also a tremendous driver of economic growth. It is the source of the innovations needed to exploit new opportunities, promote productivity and create jobs, but also to find solutions to our society’s greatest challenges, such as achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Promoting entrepreneurship will be a necessity for many governments around the world in the near future, especially to address the significant negative impacts of the pandemic on the economy. Governments and other stakeholders need concrete, robust, and credible data to structure decisions that stimulate sustainable forms of entrepreneurship and foster the development of a healthier entrepreneurial ecosystem.
A collaborative Work
The GEM France Team
Members of the GEM France team
Scientific managers
Frank Lasch, Montpellier Business School, LabEx Entreprendre
Karim Messeghem, Université de Montpellier, LabEx Entreprendre
Data processing manager
Justine Valette, Université de Montpellier, LabEx Entreprendre
Team members
Sophie Casanova, Université de Montpellier, LabEx Entreprendre
Jean-Marie Courrent, Université de Montpellier, LabEx Entreprendre
Walid Nakara, Montpellier Business School, LabEx Entreprendre
Sylvie Sammut, Université de Montpellier, LabEx Entreprendre
Roy Thurik, Montpellier Business School, LabEx Entreprendre
Olivier Torrès, Université de Montpellier, Montpellier Business School, LabEx Entreprendre
Dorian Boumedjaoud, EDC Paris, LabEx Entreprendre
GEM has an impressive list of accomplishments. GEM represents:
- Over 20 years of data, allowing for longitudinal analysis within or across multiple countries
- Over 200,000 annual interviews with experts and an adult population including entrepreneurs of all ages
- Data from 115 economies on all continents of the world
- Collaborations between some 500 entrepreneurship research specialists
- Involvement of over 300 academic and research institutions
- Funding of more than 200 institutions

GEM France Report 2020/2021
This report marks the return of France to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). LabEx Entreprendre has been selected to conduct annual studies on entrepreneurial activity among the French population aged 18 to 64 (APS Study) and on the entrepreneurial ecosystem among a panel of experts (NES Study).
These two studies, conducted in the context of a health crisis, make it possible to assess the effects of this crisis on attitudes, intentions and entrepreneurial behavior in France. Entrepreneurial activity is approached from the perspective of business creation, but also from the perspective of intrapreneurship. Business creation figures in France have reached new records, with nearly one million new businesses expected in 2021.
The data from both surveys allow us to open the black box and better understand the determinants and effects of entrepreneurial activity. In this new report, we wanted to highlight major issues such as gender equality, sustainable development or health and well-being.