MAGDALOU B. (2018). Income inequality measurement : A fresh look at two old issues. Social Choice and Welfare, 51(3), 415‑435. par Martin Ruvini | Juil 10, 2023 | publications 2018
BOSI S., HUY T., LE VAN C., PHAM C.-T., & PHAM N.-S. (2018). Financial bubbles and capital accumulation in altruistic economies. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 75, 125‑139. par Martin Ruvini | Juil 10, 2023 | publications 2018
BLAVATSKYY P. (2018). Fechner’s strong utility model for choice among 2 alternatives : Risky lotteries, Savage acts, and intertemporal payoffs. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 79, 75‑82. par Martin Ruvini | Juil 10, 2023 | publications 2018
DE LUCA G., SEKERIS P.G., & SPENGLER D. (s. d.). Can Violence Harm Cooperation ? Experimental Evidence. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 90, 342‑359. par Martin Ruvini | Juil 10, 2023 | publications 2018
DELIS M., HASAN I., IOSIFIDI M., & LI L. (2018). Accounting quality in banking : The role of regulatory interventions. Journal of Banking and Finance, 97, 297‑317. par Martin Ruvini | Juil 10, 2023 | publications 2018