Entreprendre Research Lab
Entreprendre Graduate Center
Entreprendre in Society
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Week of the durable entrepreneurship (SEED)
Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Praesent sapien massa, convallis a pellentesque nec, egestas non nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere.
RESEARCH – education – development
labex departments
Entreprendre Research Lab
The LabEx Entreprendre is composed of research teams in law, economics and management, all specialized in entrepreneurship. This laboratory of excellence has been rated “A” by an international evaluation jury and is the only LabEx dedicated to entrepreneurship. In addition, it is part of the government’s “Investments of the Future” program.
6 research programs
As the only LabEx dedicated to entrepreneurship, Entreprendre is strongly integrated into a dense network of academic and institutional partners, ensuring the excellence of its work in research, training and development. It is one of the 6 LabEx of the I-SITE Montpellier University of Excellence (MUSE).
Entreprendre Graduate Center
In the field of training, LabEx Entreprendre pursues an active policy of training in research and through research by financing doctoral contracts, as well as study and research engineer positions. It also supports some fifteen master’s degrees in law, economics and management, and offers executive training (seminars, Executive MBA, MOOC).
7 chairs
The Entrepreneurship theme is closely linked to the issue of innovation, growth and sustainable performance. It is addressed by Labex Entreprendre in the form of research programs, training and development. These actions have both a local and international scope. The six Labex Chairs contribute to the impetus and coordination of these actions. They facilitate contacts with regional players through the organization of meetings and training courses. The Chairs also help to give an international dimension to the actions carried out within the Labex.
Entreprendre in Society
As far as valorization is concerned, LabEx Entreprendre is a committed player in the entrepreneurial ecosystem at the local and national levels: participation in ministerial working groups, parliamentary missions; assistance in the creation of academic spinoffs; support for several dozen student-entrepreneurs; organization of and participation in several hundred conferences for entrepreneurship and innovation professionals; etc..
An anchor in economic life
These activities are both local and international in scope. The seven Labex Chairs contribute to the impetus and coordination of these actions. They facilitate contacts with regional players through the organization of meetings and training courses. The Chairs also help to give an international dimension to the actions carried out within the Labex.